Roofing Emergencies: What to Do Before the Pros Arrive

Roofing emergencies can strike at the most unexpected times, leaving homeowners in a state of panic. Whether it’s a sudden leak during a heavy rainstorm or damage caused by falling debris, knowing what to do before the professionals arrive can make all the difference. In this guide, we’ll explore the steps to take when faced with a roofing emergency, ensuring your safety and minimizing damage.

Assess the Situation

Before anything else, assess the situation to determine the severity of the roofing emergency.

  • Stay Safe: Safety should be your top priority. If the situation is hazardous or if you’re unsure about your safety, evacuate the area immediately.
  • Identify the Source: Try to locate the source of the problem. Is it a leaking roof, missing shingles, or structural damage? Understanding the issue will help you communicate effectively with roofing professionals.

Immediate Actions

Taking quick action can prevent further damage and keep the situation from worsening.

  • Contain the Leak: If there’s a leak, place containers, buckets, or towels under the dripping water to minimize water damage to your home’s interior.
  • Temporarily Seal the Leak: If it’s safe to do so, you can use roofing tape or a tarp to temporarily seal the leak. This can help prevent further water infiltration.
  • Remove Debris: In case of storm damage, remove any debris that may cause additional harm or block drainage systems.

Contact a Professional Roofer

  • Call a Roofing Professional: After taking immediate actions, contact a reliable roofing professional to assess the damage and schedule repairs. Explain the situation in detail so they can prioritize your case.

Document the Damage

  • Take Photos: Document the damage by taking clear photos or videos. This documentation will be essential for insurance claims and for showing the roofing professionals the extent of the issue.

Insurance Considerations

  • Review Your Insurance Policy: Familiarize yourself with your homeowner’s insurance policy. Understand what’s covered and the process for filing a claim. Contact your insurance company promptly to report the damage.

Temporary Repairs

  • Perform Temporary Repairs Carefully: If you have the skills and tools, you may attempt temporary repairs. However, remember that these are not a permanent solution. They are only meant to prevent further damage until the professionals arrive.

Stay Informed

  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on weather forecasts, especially if a storm causes a roofing emergency. Be prepared for additional rain or adverse conditions that could exacerbate the situation.

Preventing Future Emergencies

  • Regular Maintenance: Once your roofing emergency is resolved, consider regular maintenance to prevent future issues. Annual inspections and minor repairs can go a long way in preserving your roof’s integrity.


Roofing emergencies can be stressful, but taking the right steps before the professionals arrive can make a significant difference in minimizing damage and ensuring your safety. Remember to stay safe, document the damage, and contact a reliable roofing professional to get your roof back in shape. With prompt and informed action, you can weather the storm and protect your home.